5R15. Dynamics of Controlled Mechanical Systems with Delayed Feedback. - H Hu and Z Wang (Inst of Vib Eng Res, Nanjing Univ of Aeronaut and Astronaut, Nanjing, 210016, PR China). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2002. 294 pp. ISBN 3-540-43733-9. $89.95.

Reviewed by DB Schaechter (Lockheed Martin, Bldg 201, Org L9-24, 3251 Hanover St, Palo Alto CA 94304-1191).

Hu and Wang have compiled an engineering monograph that can be used as a reference for the subject title. Their text is suited for upper division control engineers, graduate students, and control engineering professionals, and presupposes knowledge of control systems, differential and difference equations, analysis, frequency response methods, and linear and nonlinear stability criteria. The text is divided into eight chapters dealing with modeling, fundamentals, stability analyses, periodic motions, chaotic systems, and control of delayed dynamic systems. It consists of good quality figures, a decent index, no problem sets, no appendices, several pages of references,...

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