As the new editors of JBME, we encountered a variety of challenges that are, thankfully, hidden from most of the BED membership, some even from the Associate Editors of the journal. None, however, was as great as the challenge of creating this inaugural Annual Special Issue, which required tremendous support and effort from various individuals, whom we thank here.
Several years ago, Michael Sacks and John Bischof conceived a companion journal that would involve reviews by the leaders in biomechanical engineering. Through discussions with the Associate Editors and the BED Executive Committee, this concept evolved into an Annual Special Issue of the JBME highlighting not only reviews by leaders of the field but also papers from the awardees of the Y. C. Fung Award, Mow Medal, and Lissner Medal, as well as papers by student award winners at the Summer Bioengineering Conference. The Executive Committee has supported the project from...