The Journal of Biomechanical Engineering has been in continuous production since 1977. To honor papers published at least 30 years ago that have had a long-lasting impact on the field, we present a paper starting from the early years of the journal that has had a lasting impact, as assessed by metrics such as the total number of citations accumulated since publication. Looking at the first three years of publication (1977–1979), we are pleased to present the following paper as the first “Legacy” paper:
“Fluid Mechanics of Arterial Stenoses” by D. F. Young, published in August 1979, Vol. 101, p. 157.
This very exhaustive paper focused on the study of flow through stenoses provides an intriguing kaleidoscope of fluid mechanics problems. The author attempted to present a wide overview of various aspects of the fluid mechanics of arterial stenosis.
This paper was chosen not only for its highest citation...