For the evaluation of safety components like the wheel/hub subassembly, the operational loading, including special event loading as well as the influence of adjacent components and their interaction, must be taken into account. By using the described test procedure in the Biaxial Test Facility, all service-like deformations can be simulated in accelerated program tests. A reliable time, as well cost, saving validation of new designs, materials, and manufacturing technologies can be carried out.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, G.
and Grubisic
, V.
, “Design Criteria and Durability Approval of Wheel Hubs
,” SAE Technical Paper Series 982840.2.
, V.
and Fischer
, G.
, “Methodology for Effective Design Evaluation and Durability Approval of Car Suspension Components
,” SAE Technical Paper Series 970094.3.
, G.
, Hasenmaier
, W.
, and Grubisic
, V.
, “Proof of Wheel Fasteners by Multiaxial Tests in the Biaxial Wheel Test Rig
,” SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0781.
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