
Physical and mechanical testing was conducted on composite stone faced aluminum honeycomb panels manufactured in the United States for use as exterior veneer panels on buildings. Testing was conducted on specimens cut from new stone faced panels as well as stone faced panels removed from service. For comparison purposes specimens cut from new unfaced honeycomb panels were also tested. The purpose of the testing was to measure certain strength, durability, and performance characteristics of the faced honeycomb panel’s composite construction. The stone faced specimens tested included those faced with travertine, limestone, and granite. Old travertine faced specimens had been in service for more than 18 years. The results very strongly suggest that the structural performance of the composite panel is dominated by the aluminum honeycomb portion. The stone portion is essentially a thin veneer adhered to the honeycomb that provides little if any structural strength.


ASTM Standard C 880-06, “
Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Dimension Stone
Annual Book of ASTM Standards
, Vol.
ASTM International
West Conshohocken, PA
ASTM Standard D 897-01e1, “
Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds
Annual Book of ASTM Standards
, Vol.
ASTM International
West Conshohocken, PA
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