A simple phenomenological constitutive model has been proposed to describe dynamic deformation behavior of various metals in wide strain rate, strain, and temperature regimes. The formulation of the model is, , where is the flow stress, is the strain, is the strain rate, is the reference strain rate, is the temperature, is the reference temperature, is the melting temperature, and , , , , , and are the material parameters. The proposed model successfully describes not only the linear rise of flow stress with logarithmic strain rate for many metals, but also the upturn of the flow stress at strain rate over about for the case of copper. It can also describe the exponential increase in the flow stress with logarithmic strain rate for the case of tantalum, and is capable of predicting thermal softening of various metals at high as well as low temperature. The current model can be used for the practical simulation of many high-strain-rate events with improved precision and as a more rigorous comparison standard in the development of a physical model.
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April 2010
Research Papers
A Phenomenological Constitutive Equation to Describe Various Flow Stress Behaviors of Materials in Wide Strain Rate and Temperature Regimes
Hyunho Shin,
Hyunho Shin
Department of Materials Engineering,
Gangneung-Wonju National University
, Jibyun-dong, Gangneung, Gangwon-do 210-702, Republic of Korea
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Jong-Bong Kim
Jong-Bong Kim
Department of Automotive Engineering,
e-mail: jbkim@snut.ac.kr
Seoul National University of Technology
, 172 Gongneung2-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-743, Republic of Korea
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Hyunho Shin
Department of Materials Engineering,
Gangneung-Wonju National University
, Jibyun-dong, Gangneung, Gangwon-do 210-702, Republic of Korea
Jong-Bong Kim
Department of Automotive Engineering,
Seoul National University of Technology
, 172 Gongneung2-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-743, Republic of Koreae-mail: jbkim@snut.ac.kr
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Apr 2010, 132(2): 021009 (6 pages)
Published Online: February 18, 2010
Article history
March 17, 2009
September 8, 2009
February 18, 2010
February 18, 2010
Shin, H., and Kim, J. (February 18, 2010). "A Phenomenological Constitutive Equation to Describe Various Flow Stress Behaviors of Materials in Wide Strain Rate and Temperature Regimes." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. April 2010; 132(2): 021009. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4000225
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